Brilliant - 20.SP0 February 13, 2025I'll keep this short. (translated from Italian)Upgraded from a Graham Slee Revelation to the 20.SP0. Biggest upgrade I have ever experienced. Makes me feel like the other stages I have...
"The Clarity" - 20.SP0 Phono Preamplifier February 13, 2025James.I've had the 20.SP0 in my system for a week now and it is absolutely incredible. My Thorens (TD550) has never ever sounded this good. I'm only running a Jelco...
20.SP0 - MAJOR UPGRADE in Sound AND Downgrade in finances February 7, 2025Hi James.I cannot believe I have just spend less on a Major UPGRADE. How is that possible?I have had my Origin Live Ultra phonostage for a while and at the...
whestTWO.3 will be my last... I hope February 4, 2025whestTWO.3Just spinning Aja Steely Dan. It's an early pressing (1978) but nothing fancy. It now sounds like a 45rpm Acoustic Sounds, if they make one. I can hear everything so...
THE VERY FIRST - 20.SP0 testimonial 04 Feb 2025 February 4, 2025The 20.SP0 turned up and I installed it. Within about 1 hour I could already hear it was doing things that the Goldnote just did not do.
WOW !!! what in upgrade whestTWO.2 to whestTWO.3 February 4, 2025Hi James.Thank you so much for recommending this upgrade. I should just say that if I could house the 20.SP0 and had the funds I would have gone down that...
OMG !!! What magic is this. whest 60Se Pro January 19, 2025HI SarahI am not too sure where to start but I'll keep it short-and-sweet.I am absolutely stunned with the improvements in my vinyl setup. All this while I thought I...
New turntable system - 60S Pro & Technics 1200G January 17, 2025James. Thanks for the heads-up on the 1200G. It's a great table and just what I was looking for. The combination of that and your 60S Pro is perfect. My...
TITAN Pro II and Linn Selekt LP12 January 17, 2025Hi James, SarahThanks again for the great service. The TITAN Pro II has come just in time to find my Linn Selekt LP12 in the system, spinning and warming up. ...
My new reference - 60S Pro January 17, 2025Team whest. Happy New Year.I have installed the 60S Pro in the system and like you said it needed about 3-5 days to warm up. WELL... what a system I...
Christmas has arrived .. whestTWO.2 Discrete December 20, 2024Hey James.Christmas has arrived in my system. This phono stage is really singing. The bass, mids and treble regions are so much smoother and musical than my previous Rega Aura...
What an UPGRADE !!!!!! whestTWO.2 Discrete 2025 December 8, 2024HI SarahWhat can I say??I am absolutely gobsmacked with what I am hearing. I have just put the whestTWO.2 Discrete up against my main system's phono stage - Origin Live...
It's Gorgeous 40RDT SE '2024 December 5, 2024Hey SarahThanks for sorting out the deal on the 40RDT SE for me. It means a lot. It's all hardwired in, warming up and I have had a few minutes...
Absolutely, FANTASTICALLY BRILLIANT November 25, 2024James, James, JamesI have had this NOS 2023/24 40RDT SE in my system for 3 days now. It is absolutely stunning. I have never heard my vinyl setup sound this...
Thorens TD124DD and 60Se Pro - last stop October 28, 2024Hi SarahA big thank you for organising the shipping of the 60Se Pro so smoothly. The 60Se Pro has been setup for the EMT JSD Pure Black Copper and is sounding...
Audio Technica ART20 in the groove October 28, 2024Hi James.Thanks for the recommendation of the ART20. I have now put 10 hours on it and it is already sounding so much better than my Ortofon Verismo. In fact...
Absolutely INCREDIBLE - TITAN Pro II October 7, 2024James.I have just spent the last 4 hours listening to various albums that I know so well. Jazz, Soft rock, MOR, Classical - everything I am spinning sounds absolutely incredible. ...
Mighty Gryphon and a very MIGHTY TITAN Pro II August 30, 2024SarahI am absolutely gobsmacked. My Gryphon Diablo 120 integrated amp has been playing for about a month now - on 24/7.Hooked up the TITAN Pro II and couldn't wait the...
BIG TIME upgrading from the Mofi MasterPhono - 60Se Pro August 28, 2024Hey Jamesyou were absolutely right. I know I am not the first to have done this but moving over to the 60Se Pro was a MASSIVE jump up from the...
My start into the world of vinyl - USA August 28, 2024Hi James and SarahGreat to see that my whestTWO.2 Discrete has arrived and is playing like a KING. OK, this is my first venture into vinyl since the mid-80s and...