Hi James.
Thank you so much for recommending this upgrade. I should just say that if I could house the 20.SP0 and had the funds I would have gone down that route, but the whestTWO.2 size is all that I can do in this system.
The whestTWO.2 has been great for the past 7 years but after my recent turntable and cartridge upgrade I really wanted to see if I could ease out more from the whestTWO.2.
The whestTWO.3 upgrade is everything plus more than what I could have imagined.
My Rega P8/ Audio Technica ART9XA was great with the whestTWO.2. Open, great soundstage and foot-tapping musical. Bring in the whestTWO.3 and even after 1 day, the clarity, soundstage, music, everything is just STUNNING. It is really hard to put into words the improvements because there are far too many to list. All I can say is that spending money on a Rega P10 or an even more expensive cartridge could not and would not do this. I cannot imagine what a 20.SP0 can do, but I need a bigger living area to house that larger size case. For now and a long time to come, I am 200% sold on this upgrade.
David Singler - Yorkshire
Rega P8/ AT ART9XA/ whestTWO.3