Sarah and James
Bonjour from wet and raining Pau.
But in my home, the weather is great. The TITAN Pro II arrived and has been on for a little while. I could not wait to try it, even though it is not yet warmed up.
So, what can I hear? Compared to the Audio Research PH9 which it replaces, the TITAN Pro II is far more musical and more detailed too. It is also 'warmer' if that makes sense. The soundstage has temperature, like an atmosphere. The TPII is also much quieter, near silent, very very dark background. The Audio Technica MC 2022 is now really starting to sing. I can now understand why Fremer loves this cartridge. The PH9 could not give this or my other cartridge (Ortofon Diamond Anna) justice.
I am finding that while I am typing this, sounds are 'popping out' of the soundstage, guitar here, percussion there. It is very catching. It has taken me 30 minutes to type this short review, because I am constantly distracted by what is being play in my system. I am hearing things for the first time.
Paul Demont - Pau France
TechDAS AFIII Premium S/ Breuer Type 9 modified/ Audio Technica MC2022