GoldNote PH-1000 replaced !!

Hi Sarah.  Thank you so much for supplying what I hope is the very last phono stage I will purchase.  It has taken a while to get here and a long story as you know.  But, just to say that I have finally decided on the 60Se Pro over the Goldnote PH-1000.  Was it an easy choice?  YES.  After 3 days of the 60Se Pro warming up, I put on a Nick Drake album (Bryter Layter) and heard things that I hadn't heard before.  Not only was the presentation of the 60Se Pro more realistic and organic, but vocals and backing instruments had an another layer to them - extra harmonics maybe.  The PH-1000 sounded lifeless when I put it back into the system.  The PH-1000 was left on at all times.  Amazing differences came about after that.  THANK YOU Sarah for pointing me in the right direction.

SME30/ Tri-Planar/ Lyra Etna/ 60Se Pro/ D'agostino amps