Hi Sarah. I finally got around to trying out the whestTHREE Signature against a Roksan VSC, Trilogy 907 and Origin Live Discovery 3. They are all in my rough price bracket as you know but I had no problem figuring out which to go for. I don't understand why you don't advertise more or even advertise your product range because they do definitely stand out from the crowd.
The Discovery 3 was a non-starter as it was too noisy even at low gains. The VSC and 907 are good performers but nothing as enlightening as the whestTHREE Signature. I was amazed and how the whest pulled everything together and yet was so detailed. I was able to hear parts that felt like they were missing on the other stages. Next up then is the cartridge but that can come later now.
Goldnote Mediterraneo/ Phasemation PP-300, whestTHREE Signature
Paul Smart BSc - Brighton UK